Natural Resources & Renewable Energies

NRRENatural Resources & Renewable Energies


  • An overarching goal of CPERI is to develop processes/technologies and tools for the sustainable utilization/management of natural resources and energy.
  • Toward achieving this goal, the NRRE Laboratory has focused (in the past two decades) on key issues regarding sustainable management of water and waste water, as well as industrial effluents, with emphasis on agro-industrial effluents and waste streams; furthermore, utilization/production of renewable energies (e.g., biogas) is a target.
  • Through the development of innovative processes, valorization of such effluents/wastes (considered resources) is pursued in tandem with pollution abatement for environmental and human health protection.
  • Collaboration with industry, and special services to other stakeholders, is a prime objective in these activities.

Research focus

Membrane technology is the core expertise of NRRE Lab, implemented in the form of advanced membrane processes and hybrids thereof, outlined below. Such special expertise (by trained scientific and technical personnel) and related infrastructure have been developed within NRRE/CPERI, in recent decades. Infrastructure includes state-of-the-art analytical equipment, fully instrumented/automated pilot units, and advanced process simulation tools. The pilot facilities (and software tools) are developed and constructed (in most cases) within NRRE/CPERI.

An integrated approach to process development is pursued/implemented, whereby:

  1. phenomena/ mechanisms are experimentally investigated at laboratory/bench scale,
  2. tools involving constitutive- expressions/correlations are developed next (aided by process modeling/simulation),
  3. process scale-up (and testing) follows in laboratory pilot units, thus enabling d) realistic pilot-process demonstration and optimization.

This approach allows process development to high Technology Readiness Level – TRL (i.e., TRL 6-7), starting from low TRL (2-3).

Areas of R&D activities in NRRE Lab include:

  • Water desalination and purification for specified uses (potable, irrigation, industrial process needs).
  • Treatment/reuse of wastewater and effluents (of any type), while pursuing Zero-Liquid Discharge-ZLD
  • Valorization of natural resources and of agro-industrial by-products/wastes, through the recovery of valuable bioactive compounds, recycled materials, nutrients and renewable energy (i.e., biogas, hydrogen).
  • Other membrane-based processes for niche applications; e.g., membrane haemo-filtration.

Main scientific directions

R&D activity at present is in the following main directions:

  1. Advanced and established membrane separation processes (i.e., RO, NF, UF, MD/Membrane- Distillation, FO/Forward-Osmosis, etc.), for adaptation to various applications.
  2. Advanced chemical/photochemical oxidation and electrochemical technologies (e.g., TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV-C, electro-Fenton, photo(electro)-Fenton, BDD anodic oxidation, etc.).
  3. Advanced biotechnological processes for various applications, including production and purification of both bulk bio-based chemicals and high-value niche products.
  4. Development of hybrid technologies, involving the above types of processes.

Projects & Activities



/GA 101060684 



/MIS 5136633 



/C-B.4.1 0042 



/GA 101006717 



/Τ2ΕΔΚ-00573/MIS 5074534 


AgRefine: A Disruptive Innovative Coop



Athanasiadi Aggeliki

Scientific Personnel
, Chemical Engineer

Bizirtsakis Panos

Scientific Personnel
, Chemist

Boukouvala Thomais

Scientific Personnel
, Chemical Engineer

Karabelas Anastasios

Researcher Emeritus
, Professor, Researcher Emeritus

Karanasiou Anthoula

Scientific Personnel
, Chemical Engineer, MSc

Karastogianidou Avgi

Administrative & Technical Staff
, Administrative Assistant

Kostoglou Margaritis

Collaborating Faculty Member
, Professor
, AUTH, Chemistry Dept.

Lekkas Asterios

Administrative & Technical Staff
, Technical Support

Lekkas Michael

Administrative & Technical Staff
, Technical Support

Moschona Alexandra

Collaborating Researcher PhD
, Chemical Engineer, PhD

Nastouli Alexandra

PhD Candidate
, Chemical & Biochemical Env. Engineer

Patsios Sotirios

Collaborating Researcher PhD
, Chemical Engineer, PhD

Petsi Panagiota

PhD Candidate
, Chemical Engineer, MSc

Plakas Konstantinos

, Principal Researcher
, Chemical Engineer, PhD

Sarasidis Vassilios

Scientific Personnel
, Chemical Engineer, MSc

Sioutopoulos Demetrios

Collaborating Researcher PhD
, Chemical Engineer, PhD


Saliakellis P., Koutsou C., Karabelas A.

The Effect of Gap Reduction on Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer in Membrane Narrow Channels Filled with Novel Spacers—A Detailed Computational Study


Membranes 13 (1), 20

Voutetaki A., Plakas K.V., Papadopoulos A.I., Bollas D., Parcharidis S., Seferlis, P.,

Pilot-scale separation of lead and sulfate ions from aqueous solutions using electrodialysis: Application and parameter optimization for the battery industry


Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, p.137200

Proskynitopoulou V., Lorentzou S., Yaman R., Herbert B., Rincon F., Plakas K., Kougias P., Zouboulis A., Panopoulos K.

Sustainable exploitation of biogas plant digestate for the production of high-quality products using selective electrodialysis


Environmental Science Proceedings 21 (2022) 75

Koutsonikolas D., Karagiannakis G., Plakas K., Chatzis V., Skevis G., Giudicianni P., Ragucci R., Sabia P., Boukis N., Stoll I.

Membrane and electrochemical based technologies for the decontamination of exploitable streams produced by thermochemical processing of contaminated biomass


Energies (MDPI) 15 (2022) 2683

Rodríguez-Sáez L., Patsios S., Senán-Salinas J., Landaburu-Aguirre J., Molina S., García-Calvo E.

A Novel Application of Recycled Ultrafiltration Membranes in an Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (aMBR): A Proof-of-Concept Study


Membranes, 2022, 12 (2), 218

Nastouli, Tsirigka A., Harasek M., Karabelas A., Patsios S.

The Effect of Heat Sterilization on Key Filtration Performance Parameters of a Commercial Polymeric (PVDF) Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane


Membranes 2022, 12, 725

Voutetaki A., Papadopoulos A.I., Plakas K., Seferlis P.

Integration of electrodialysis process for selective nitrate removal with renewable energy sources


Chemical Engineering Transactions 94 (2022) 721-726

Moschona A., Kostoglou M., Karabelas A.

Mass transfer characteristics of haemo-filtration modules – Experiments and modeling


Membranes 2022, 12, 62

Saliakellis P., Koutsou C., Karabelas A.

The Effect of Gap Reduction on Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer in Membrane Narrow Channels Filled with Novel Spacers—A Detailed Computational Study


Membranes 13 (1), 20

Voutetaki A., Plakas K.V., Papadopoulos A.I., Bollas D., Parcharidis S., Seferlis, P.,

Pilot-scale separation of lead and sulfate ions from aqueous solutions using electrodialysis: Application and parameter optimization for the battery industry


Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, p.137200

Proskynitopoulou V., Lorentzou S., Yaman R., Herbert B., Rincon F., Plakas K., Kougias P., Zouboulis A., Panopoulos K.

Sustainable exploitation of biogas plant digestate for the production of high-quality products using selective electrodialysis


Environmental Science Proceedings 21 (2022) 75

Koutsonikolas D., Karagiannakis G., Plakas K., Chatzis V., Skevis G., Giudicianni P., Ragucci R., Sabia P., Boukis N., Stoll I.

Membrane and electrochemical based technologies for the decontamination of exploitable streams produced by thermochemical processing of contaminated biomass


Energies (MDPI) 15 (2022) 2683

Rodríguez-Sáez L., Patsios S., Senán-Salinas J., Landaburu-Aguirre J., Molina S., García-Calvo E.

A Novel Application of Recycled Ultrafiltration Membranes in an Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (aMBR): A Proof-of-Concept Study


Membranes, 2022, 12 (2), 218

Nastouli, Tsirigka A., Harasek M., Karabelas A., Patsios S.

The Effect of Heat Sterilization on Key Filtration Performance Parameters of a Commercial Polymeric (PVDF) Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane


Membranes 2022, 12, 725

Voutetaki A., Papadopoulos A.I., Plakas K., Seferlis P.

Integration of electrodialysis process for selective nitrate removal with renewable energy sources


Chemical Engineering Transactions 94 (2022) 721-726

Moschona A., Kostoglou M., Karabelas A.

Mass transfer characteristics of haemo-filtration modules – Experiments and modeling


Membranes 2022, 12, 62

Karabelas A.

Comments on “Deformation-induced cleaning of organically fouled membranes: Fundamentals and techno-economic assessment for spiral-wound membranes”


Journal of Membrane Science 642 119932

Karanasiou A., Karabelas A., Mitrouli S.

Incipient membrane scaling in the presence of polysaccharides during reverse osmosis desalination in spacer-filled channels


Desalination, 500 (2021) 114821