Smart Sustainable Energy Conversion & Management

MINOANSmart Sustainable Energy Conversion & Management


Partnerships with public and private stakeholders, to develop research and innovation projects related to smart and sustainable energy, ranging from the side of power production down to power consumption, including its distribution level and storage. Circular economy aspects are taken into consideration, aiming at the energy transition of the power, heating and cooling sector, with emphasis on the design and development of new technologies to address the need for a holistic transformation of the current energy portfolio, mainly investigating and promoting the synergy of innovative as well of currently available mature technologies, in an integrated operational way, accounting their requirement for smartification and sustainability.

Research focus

  • New innovative technologies for energy production and storage with low or near-zero environmental footprint.
  • Modeling and optimization of advanced energy systems and networks for electricity & cooling / heating production.
  • Smart cities and neighborhood networks with a positive energy balance and a low environmental footprint.
  • Development of circular economy applications including life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle cost (LCC) and social life cycle acceptance (sLCA).

Main scientific directions

  1. Modeling of Energy Systems using One-Dimensional Process Models and Computational Fluid Dynamics Models. Design, development and optimization of energy resource systems and processes, using reliable computational methods. This Direction is divided into two subgroups, the first of which deals with the development and implementation of One-Dimensional Dynamic Process Models using computational packages such as Dymola, APROS and Aspen, while the second one with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models and algorithms, house-built, on the basis of commercial platforms as ANSYSTM. Their range of applications extends to:
    1. technologies related to the decarbonisation of processes based on fossil fuels, ranging from small (pilot) to large (industrial) scale,
    2. CO₂ capture and storage systems, 
    3. technologies for the production and distribution of electricity and thermal energy, based on RES, ranging from building level up to the level of low and medium voltage network, as well as to the level of smart communities and cities, and, finally,
    4. to energy units that utilize biomass, waste and/or upgraded fuels.
  2. Modeling of energy storage systems. Dimensioning, optimization and simulation of heating, cooling, and electricity storage systems operation through the development of dynamic models in specialized computer process simulation packages (Aspen Plus Dynamic, Dymola, APROS). For the development of the models, the libraries of the computer packages are enriched with house-built subroutines/modelers.
  3. Smart grids, smart cities and smart energy management of microgrids. Expertise in software solutions is being developed in the context of “smart cities”. Our team has been involved in a number of smart cities research projects and has published numerous scientific articles on energy management both at a city and building level, load forecasting and RES generation, peak load management, feasibility of local energy communities, as well as micro-grids studied as a building block for the evolution of “smart grids”, employing modern and innovative computational methods (load flow analysis, state estimation, predictive control), in most of the cases using house developed open source tools (eg Python, Modelica).
  4. Energy Transition to Islands. Participation in a series of projects aimed at implementing innovative or well-established energy transition solutions in geographical islands. These solutions are based on renewable energy sources, storage, building renovation, energy management, e-mobility, etc.
  5. Technical and regulatory issues of propulsion engines in marine applications.

Έργα & Δράσεις



KOH.051016, 011230, 051017  

Από: 01/04/2020
Έως: 31/03/2025
60 μήνες


KOH.051074, KOH.051073  

Από: 01/10/2023
Έως: 30/09/2026
36 μήνες


KOH.051063, 031072 021247 

Από: 01/01/2023
Έως: 31/12/2026
48 μήνες

Thumbs Up


Από: 01/01/2023
Έως: 31/12/2027
48 μήνες



Από: 01/01/2023
Έως: 31/12/2027
48 μήνες


KOH.051043, 021182 

Από: 01/06/2022
Έως: 30/05/2026
48 μήνες



Αλεβίζος Πέτρος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, Μαθηματικός

Αναγνωστοπούλου Ελισάβετ

Διοικητικό & Τεχνικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων

Ανδριτσάκης Ελευθέριος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός

Αντύπα Δέσποινα

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Χημικός Μηχανικός

Αντωνούδης Σωτήριος-Ευστάθιος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Μηχανικός Περιβάλλοντος

Αποστολόπουλος Βασίλειος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

Ατσόνιος Κωνσταντίνος

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

Βαλιάκος Απόστολος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, Μηχανικός Υπολογιστών

Γκιούρκα Παρασκευή

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

Δόγκας Γεώργιος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, PhD, Φυσικός

Δροσάτος Παναγιώτης

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός

Ζαρογιάννη Μαρία

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Μηχανικός Περιβάλλοντος

Ζεστανάκης Παναγιώτης

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Ηλεκτρολόγος Μηχανικός, Μηχανικός Υπολογιστών

Ζιώζας Νικόλαος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός

Ζορνατζής Ιωάννης Αθανάσιος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Πολιτικός Μηχανικός

Ηλιάδης Πέτρος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός

Ιακωβίδης Γιάννης

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, MSc, Μαθηματικός

Ίτσκος Γρηγόριος

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Χημικός

Κάγκαλος Θεοδόσιος

Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό
, Οικονομολόγος

Κακάνης Ηλίας

Συνεργαζόμενος Ερευνητής, PhD
, PhD, Μηχανικός Παραγωγής & Διοίκησης


Kourtzanidis K., Dimitrakellis P., Rakopoulos D.

Numerical analysis of partial discharge ignition in H2 bubbles floating in dielectric oils, for High-Voltage Solid State Transformer applications


IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

Anca-Couce A., von Berg L., Pongratz G., Scharler R., Hochenauer Ch., Geusebroek M., Kuipers J., Vilela C., Kraia T., Panopoulos K., Funcia I., Dieguez-Alonso A. 

Assessment of measurement methods to characterize the producer gas from biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized bed


Biomass and Bioenergy Open Access Volume 16, 3 August 2022, Article number 106527, ISSN 09619534

Apostolopoulos V., Apostolopoulos V., Giourka P., Martinopoulos G., Angelakoglou K., Kourtzanidis K., Nikolopoulos N. 

Smart readiness indicator evaluation and cost estimation of smart retrofitting scenarios – A comparative case-study in European residential buildings


Sustainable Cities and Society Open Access Volume 8, 2July 2022, Article number 103921, ISSN 22106707

Rotas R., Iliadis P., Nikolopoulos N., Tomboulides A., Kosmatopoulos E., 

Dynamic Simulation and Performance Enhancement Analysis of a Renewable Driven Trigeneration System


Energies Open Access Volume 15, Issue 10 May-2 2022, Article number 3688, ISSN 19961073

Papatsounis A., Botsaris P., Lymperopoulos K., Rotas R., Kanellia Z., Iliadis P., Nikolopoulos N. 

Operation assessment of a hybrid solar-biomass energy system with absorption refrigeration scenarios


Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 700 -7172022, ISSN 15567036

Zannis T., Papagiannakis R., Pariotis E., Rakopoulos D., Vallis A.

Achievement of NO Emission-Free Operation of a HSDI Diesel Engine Using Nitrogen Enrichment of Intake Air and Implications on Performance and Soot Emissions


Journal of Energy Engineering Volume 148, Issue 31 June 2022, Article number 04022015, ISSN 07339402

Zannis T., Katsanis J., Christopoulos G., Yfantis E., Papagiannakis R., Pariotis E., Rakopoulos D., Rakopoulos C., Vallis A. 

Marine Exhaust Gas Treatment Systems for Compliance with the IMO 2020 Global Sulfur Cap and Tier III NOx Limits: A Review


Energie Open AccessVolume 15, Issue 10May-2 2022 Article number 3638, ISSN 19961073

Rakopoulos C., Rakopoulos D., Kyritsis D., Andritsakis E., Mavropoulos G.

Exergy evaluation of equivalence ratio, compression ratio and residual gas effects in variable compression ratio spark-ignition engine using quasi-dimensional combustion modeling


Energy Volume 2441 April 2022 Article number 123080, ISSN 03605442

Kourtzanidis K., Dimitrakellis P., Rakopoulos D.

Numerical analysis of partial discharge ignition in H2 bubbles floating in dielectric oils, for High-Voltage Solid State Transformer applications


IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

Anca-Couce A., von Berg L., Pongratz G., Scharler R., Hochenauer Ch., Geusebroek M., Kuipers J., Vilela C., Kraia T., Panopoulos K., Funcia I., Dieguez-Alonso A. 

Assessment of measurement methods to characterize the producer gas from biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized bed


Biomass and Bioenergy Open Access Volume 16, 3 August 2022, Article number 106527, ISSN 09619534

Apostolopoulos V., Apostolopoulos V., Giourka P., Martinopoulos G., Angelakoglou K., Kourtzanidis K., Nikolopoulos N. 

Smart readiness indicator evaluation and cost estimation of smart retrofitting scenarios – A comparative case-study in European residential buildings


Sustainable Cities and Society Open Access Volume 8, 2July 2022, Article number 103921, ISSN 22106707

Rotas R., Iliadis P., Nikolopoulos N., Tomboulides A., Kosmatopoulos E., 

Dynamic Simulation and Performance Enhancement Analysis of a Renewable Driven Trigeneration System


Energies Open Access Volume 15, Issue 10 May-2 2022, Article number 3688, ISSN 19961073

Papatsounis A., Botsaris P., Lymperopoulos K., Rotas R., Kanellia Z., Iliadis P., Nikolopoulos N. 

Operation assessment of a hybrid solar-biomass energy system with absorption refrigeration scenarios


Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 700 -7172022, ISSN 15567036

Zannis T., Papagiannakis R., Pariotis E., Rakopoulos D., Vallis A.

Achievement of NO Emission-Free Operation of a HSDI Diesel Engine Using Nitrogen Enrichment of Intake Air and Implications on Performance and Soot Emissions


Journal of Energy Engineering Volume 148, Issue 31 June 2022, Article number 04022015, ISSN 07339402

Zannis T., Katsanis J., Christopoulos G., Yfantis E., Papagiannakis R., Pariotis E., Rakopoulos D., Rakopoulos C., Vallis A. 

Marine Exhaust Gas Treatment Systems for Compliance with the IMO 2020 Global Sulfur Cap and Tier III NOx Limits: A Review


Energie Open AccessVolume 15, Issue 10May-2 2022 Article number 3638, ISSN 19961073

Rakopoulos C., Rakopoulos D., Kyritsis D., Andritsakis E., Mavropoulos G.

Exergy evaluation of equivalence ratio, compression ratio and residual gas effects in variable compression ratio spark-ignition engine using quasi-dimensional combustion modeling


Energy Volume 2441 April 2022 Article number 123080, ISSN 03605442

Zisopoulos G., Detsios N., Atsonios K., Nikolopoulos N., Grammelis P.

Process Analysis and Design Considerations of a Low Carbon Methanol Synthesis Plant from Lignite/Waste Gasification


Fuels, 2022, 3, pp. 245-274

Nikolopoulos A., Samlis C., Zeneli M., Nikolopoulos N., Karellas S., Grammelis P.

Introducing an Artificial Neural Network Energy Minimization Multi-Scale drag scheme for fluidized particles


Chemical Engineering Science, 229, 116013