- © 2025, ΙΔΕΠ – Ινστιτούτο Χημικών Διεργασιών & Ενεργειακών Πόρων
An important field of action of GrEnEA concerns the energy technologies evolution and applications, as well as novel technological development required for the transition to the zero carbon era. GrEnEA having the experience of a successfully transition from solid fuels technologies to alternative fuels and clean technologies, through the last decade, is acting as a strategic player for the energy transition at regional level in EU to the decarbonization era. Expanding activities undertaken by GrEnEA over the next decade are targeted to improve the performance of highly efficient and environment friendly systems, such as fuel cells, lower their capital and operational costs and promote them as an energy-efficient alternative to conventional fossil-powered energy systems. GrEnEA’s main scope of actions is based on two main pillars, a) the development and promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in a wide range of applications, whilst keeping the expertise in clean carbon technologies with low environmental footprint and b) the development of environmental technologies connected to the Transition period:
Pillar #1: Energy/ Action Area: Green Energy & Clean Carbon Technologies
Applications of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen technologies are becoming core field of research, scheduled for pilot scale realization in CERTH premises in Western Macedonia. It has to be mentioned that in collaboration with the local University, the Hydrogen-hub-an emblematic action in the decarbonisation period – is developed and supported by Regional Authorities and the Greek Just Transition Mechanism. Special attention is given on alternative fuels, especially the market uptake of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels with advanced supply chains for the sustainable utilization of biomass potential and related market development, the feasibility of biorefineries and the enhancement of renewables share in the power and industrial sectors. Other activities include optimization of district heating and cooling systems supporting the local systems, energy efficient buildings, “greening” the agricultural sector, contributing to local staff re-skilling and to new jobs creation. In the Clean Carbon Technologies field, research is related to flexible operation of thermal power plants with the aim of better smoothing the load curve due to the high penetration of RES in the system, reduction of gaseous emissions from power plants, development of non-electric uses of Greek lignite (such as production of coke, organic fertilizers, soil conditioners, production of liquid fuels, etc.) and promotion of the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) with multiple applications in energy and transport sectors.
Pillar #2: Environment/Action Area: Environmental Technologies, Circular Economy and Transition to the post-lignite era
One of the most important actions of GrEnEA is the development and implementation of strategic technologies for the reduction and / or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from energy-intensive industries such as CO₂ capture, as well as the technologies of utilization and reuse of the captured carbon dioxide for the production of high value synthetic fuels and materials. The group is active in the design and development of integrated waste management projects within the circular economy framework, focusing on technologies in the fields of recycling/upcycling and energy conversion. In addition, the group supports industrial entities in order to develop their sustainability reports based on a life cycle analysis approach. It is actively involved in the development of innovative techniques for the restoration of ecosystems, especially concerning affected areas, such as lignite mines to be reclaimed, through an environment friendly way. GrEnEA plays key role in the decarbonization period, participating in a wide range of strategic and technical activities towards a just and smooth development of a new energy and economic model in the Region of Western Macedonia.
Green Energy, Transition to the post lignite era, Environmental Technologies, Alternative fuels, Biorefineries, Hydrogen applications, Clean Carbon Technologies, Pollution monitoring, Promotion of RES in buildings, Agricultural sector, DH systems, circular economy based on Life Cycle thinking approach.
Πρόληψη και μείωση των απορριμμάτων κλωστοϋφαντουργικών προϊόντων στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου
Υιοθέτηση της ηλεκτρικής κινητικότητας σε αγροτικές και απομακρυσμένες περιοχές MED
Πράσινο και Ανθεκτικό Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Αριστείας για Έξυπνες ΜΜΕ στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου
Το Interreg CircleMED στοχεύει να μετατρέψει τις περιοχές MED σε περιοχές βασισμένες στην κυκλική οικονομία.
KOH.51087, 51086
KOH.51081, KOH.051085, KOH.021336
Appl. Sci.2022, 12, 2231
ENERGIES2022, 15, 3491
APPL. SCI. 2022, 12, 3990
APPL. SCI. 2022, 12, 5861
MICRON, ISSN 0968-4328
Energies 2022, 15, 5716
International Geology Review 64
Article number 108785, ISSN 2213-3437
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 40: 1307-1321
Applied Sciences, 12(3):1538
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 40: 4023-4039
Mining Revue, 28(1): 73-86
Sustainability, 14(12): 7363
Appl. Sci.2022, 12, 2231
ENERGIES2022, 15, 3491
APPL. SCI. 2022, 12, 3990
MINOAN – Smart Sustainable
Energy Conversion and Management
GREEN – Geo-Resources, Energy
& Environmental Management
GrEnEA – Green Energy
& Environmental Applications
ΕΑΥ – Εργαστήριο Ανόργανων Υλικών
ΑΡΤΕΜΙΣ – Εργαστήριο Καινοτόμων Τεχνολογιών και Προηγμένων Υλικών για τη Βιωσιμότητα στην Ενέργεια και το Περιβάλλον
ΕΦΕΜ – Εργαστήριο Φυσικών Πόρων και Εναλλακτικών Μορφών Ενέργειας
ΕΑΝΟΣΥΣ – Εργαστήριο Ανάπτυξης Ολοκληρωμένων Συστημάτων Διεργασιών
ΕΜΑΠ – Εργαστήριο Μηχανικής Αντιδράσεων Πολυμερών
NICE – Novel materIals
for Clean Energy Applications
ΕΠΚΥ – Εργαστήριο Περιβαλλοντικών Καυσίμων και Υδρογονανθράκων
(Ομάδες: HydPro & NICE)
HydPro – Hydroprocessing
ΕΥΒΙΔ – Εργαστήριο Υπολογιστικής Βιολογίας και Διεργασιών
ΕΠΕΤΕΜ – Εργαστήριο Περιβαλλοντικών & Ενεργειακών ΤΕχνολογιών Μετάβασης
(Ομάδες: GrEnEA, Green & Minoan)