The development of the VERIFY software platform (Virtual Integrated Platform on Life Cycle Analysis) by the researchers of the Institute of Chemical Processes and Energy Resources (CPERI) of CERTH, Dr. Nikolaos Nikolopoulos, Director of Research, Dr. Ioannis Mamounakis, Dimitrios Kourkoumbas, Nikolaos Tagoulis, and Andreas Seitaridis, awarded the first prize (Gold) for best service at the Green Brand Awards 2023 in the category “R&D for Green Service” organized by Boussias company, one of the leading B2B commercial publishing companies, conferences and award organizations.

The award-winning software platform provides the possibility for a dynamic environmental and economic assessment of energy systems in terms of life cycle analysis (LCA). It includes two specialized software tools i) VERIFY-Building, oriented towards studies exclusively of the building sector and ii) VERIFY-District for large-scale LCA studies at the level of smart energy communities/islands/cities. In addition, three more modules are included, for i) monitoring and receiving measurements of smart meters of production, consumption and energy storage (IoT device monitoring), ii) recording the measurements in a storage structure of a large volume of data (Big Data Repository), synchronized with iii) a module for studying and performing financial investments in the energy sector (Investment Planning Toolkit).

The development of the platform was funded by the Horizon 2020 European Research project entitled POCITYF (A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework, Contract Number H2020 – 864400). CERTH participates in the POCITYF research project, being the Technical Coordinator, aiming to develop and test pilot, innovative energy systems and integrated solutions for their intelligent control, operation and evaluation, with the ultimate goal of transforming the operation of modern cities into a positive energy balance, in environmental footprint terms.