- © 2025, CPERI – Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute
CPERI must maintain its leading role as a center of excellence within the European Research Area (ERA). Thus, its future plans are directed towards the development of innovative technologies and products. A strong emphasis is placed on research and technological priorities consistent with the objectives of future European Framework Programs and emerging areas of future industrial and market activity. In this respect, one can envision the development in the next years of an evolutionary path from the already secure and established areas of activity in the Institute towards emerging areas within reach of CPERI’s researchers such as Green Mobility, Green Chemistry and Biochemistry, Energy Security, Food and Health. Our efforts will then focus on establishing conditions that will foster the creation of several sustainable choices for the future activities of the Institute.
This vision for CPERI’s future will turn into reality by the following set of lines of action:
The CPERI strategic plan for subsequent years is based on:
Scientific Excellence
According to CPERI’s Strategic Plan, a broad and balanced distribution of research funding sources is recorded, a fact that is considered positive and reflects the efforts of the researchers to implement their research activities in many different directions. Nevertheless, there is room to increase the participation in Horizon projects (~36% of the total funding) in the next programming period to approach the respective levels of other Institutes in the country and abroad.
The contribution of the Services projects to the industry is considered particularly important and remarkable (~20 of the total funding), highlighting the specialisation and competitiveness of CPERI to offer its innovation and excellence in demanding projects in the private sector. The development of state-of-the-art infrastructure (research instrumentation and facilities) will maximise its capacity for an even higher impact on the economy and society.
Regarding the thematic specialisation of CPERI’s projects implemented by the researchers, a wide dispersion in several scientific fields and subjects is registered. Though, a clear dominance of the energy sector, the consolidation of the emerging technologies sector and the infant (still) development of the Bioengineering/Biotechnology sector are shown. Based on the external environment analysis, the policies and priorities of the EU, and the work programs that will finance the upcoming projects, it is considered that CPERI has the relevant specialisation and experience to follow the strategic directions of research in the EU (low carbon industry, hydrogen production and storage, batteries design and production, and CO2 storage). Creating the CPERI Bio unit with the collaboration of the Research Groups inside the Institute and INAB will give the Institute the comparative advantage to submit proposals and attract business interest in biomedical engineering and biotechnology.
Another goal of CPERI’s Strategic Plan is to enhance innovation and entrepreneurship. Up to date, CPERI supports innovation and entrepreneurship development in many ways: spin-offs creation, prototypes development, services provision, cluster formation. CPERI’s future plan is to create customised environments that will accelerate the validation of innovative ideas.
To summarise, one of the ultimate aims of CPERI is to develop further its activities related to basic, technological and industrial research and to focus: i) on thematic areas of high strategic importance for the national and regional economy – in close correlation with the main topics addressed in European, national and regional programmes (Horizon Europe, NSFs, RIS3 etc.); ii) on present and future needs of SMEs and large enterprises iii) on the significant societal challenges and iv) on enriching its depository with more financing tools suitable for the commercial exploitation of research results and their transformation into innovative products.
A prerequisite of the CPERI’s successful path is the reinforcement of its extroversion and linkages with quadruple helix stakeholders. CPERI’s research impact will be delivered by creating direct links with the public, industry and policymakers; forming partnerships with local and regional actors; disseminating/exploiting innovative ideas and research outputs and communicating research to society at large. CPERI schedules to increase its dissemination activities in an effort to maximize the impact on society and the economy. The target audience is Scientists from the International area, Industry, Public bodies, local authorities, academic institutions, Stakeholders and general public. In particular, communication with society constitutes a central priority for CPERI with the objective to motivate and inform the Greek society on the value and importance of research as a means of development. The proposed Dissemination and Communication Plan will further enable CPERI to investigate complex challenges for larger interest Groups and stakeholders from the private and public sectors more holistic.
Some of the actions included in the CPERI’s Dissemination and Communication Plan are briefly analysed as follows:
MINOAN – Smart Sustainable
Energy Conversion and Management
GREEN – Geo-Resources, Energy
& Environmental Management
GrEnEA – Green Energy
& Environmental Applications
LIM – Laboratory
of Inorganic Materials
ARTEMIS – Advanced Renewable
Technologies for Energy & Materials
Integrated Systems
NRRE – Natural Resources
& Renewable Energies
PSDI – Laboratory of Process
Systems Design and Implementation
LPRE – Laboratory of Polymer
Reaction Engineering
NICE – Novel materIals
for Clean Energy Applications
LEFH – Laboratory of Environmental
Fuels/Biofuels and Hydrocarbons
HydPro – Hydroprocessing
BCPL – Biological Computation
& Process Laboratory
LEET – Laboratory of Environmental & Energy Transition technologies
(GrEnEA, Green & Minoan Groups)